Almanac Investor is the natural evolution of the Stock Trader’s Almanac. Building upon the wealth of knowledge and wisdom gained over the past 50 years, Almanac Investor has been delivering top ETF and stock trading ideas at the right time and price since July 2001.The Almanac Investor Stock Portfolio currently has a total return of 771.4% since inception in 2001 versus 384.3% for the S&P 500 over the same time frame.
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o Market Probability Calendar: Discover the best and worst days of any month
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Hirsch Holdings offers a pro-rated refund on all cancelled annual subscriptions. Annual subscriptions cancelled within the first three (3) months may have their refund reduced by up to $75 if an annual Stock Trader’s Almanac has been shipped. Quarterly subscriptions automatically renew every 90 days until cancelled and are non-refundable. Quarterly subscribers may cancel at any time via phone or email.
Yours truly,
Jeffrey A. Hirsch
CEO: Hirsch Holdings | Editor: Stock Trader’s Almanac & Almanac Investor